Where the Mind is Without Fear

I have always found myself intrigued by theories like the Domino Effect or the Butterfly Effect and their manifestations. They have always been very fascinating; their demonstrations often pleasing to the eye. When I think about it, a large part of Dussehra’s charm was in its customary burning of the effigies of Ravana and Co. How a small fire would grow on to consume the grand constructs. Everything around us seems so big when we are kids; those structures, nevertheless, were enormous by any standards. And yet to watch them perish in flames that started off as a mere fire-cracker….
It is the idea of how a seemingly small, insignificant action can have outcomes entirely unexpected. So it is with life. Every action of ours has a consequence, which in turn is a product of our thoughts. Knowing this, can we ever let our minds wander? And if not, how do we then dare to think beyond the conventional?